Saturday, 7 October 2017


Onions are very beneficial..Onions do much more than adding an excellent flavor to many recipes ..Their numerous health benefits make them a must have food item in our daily diet..Here are 10 amazing health benefits of ONIONS..
1.ANEMIEA..The high content of IRON in onions makes it beneficial for the treatment of anemia..Just by eating a half a medium raw onion daily can significantly lower cholesterol  and helps in preventing heart attaks..
2.HELPS IN BALANCING SUGAR LEVELS..Onions are said to be a great addition to a diabetic diet  and they are low in calories and provide a good amount of fiber, iron, potassium..Vitamin C, and many other nutrients..
3.Use ful for treating Menstrual cramps..ONIONS are one of the best soothing agent for menstrual cramps..Raw onion consumed regularly just 4 to 5 before your period can help in soothing down your pain..
4.IT BOOSTS SEXUAL DRIVE..ALLICIN..the chemical that gives onions the strong smell is responsible for increasing the blood flow to sexual organs thus increasing sexual drive..
5. CURES DANDRUFF..Onions being rich in Vitamin C and having anti septic property they help in reducing dandruff .A study has shown that applying onion juice on scalp twice a week for 2 months will cause hair regrowth ,,definitely cost much less than that hair tonics..
6.HEPS IN BETTER SLEEP..The photo chemicals found in onions help in alleviating sleep disorders..
7.. They boost immune system..Studies have shown that the antioxidant properties in onions helps to remove free radicals from the body..the photochemical found in onions promote better functioning of vitamin c in the body and they boost immune system..
8.GIVES GLOW TO THE SKIN..As it is rich in vitamin c and having anti-inflammatory properties onions reduces patchy skin and pigmentation.. also don’t forget that consuming onion every day will give a healthy glow to the skin by purifying blood..

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